Dorothy, it looks like the question is popped! It is exciting when you put a creation out on the web and it comes back with a new idea imbedded. I filmed this slow motion photography MOCO sequence of a diamond ring being raised up into a rain of red rose petals filmed at 2000fps for Blue Diamond Jewelers in Manhattan Beach. In reality it was the Bolt Jr+ booming down very fast, filmed in slow motion, revealing the ring as the petals fell and Dorothy, our Bolt had to move fast in order for the motion to show up at 2000 FPS. The 25 seconds of screen time was 1/3 seconds of real time filming so as you see timing is critical. I put this slow motion photography video up without any graphics and my friend Andrea Sachs, owner of Dreams On Reel, transformed it into an elegant proposal with a new title. I thought of this as a Valentines Day, who cared?. What about Roses? I was surprised to find out from my florist that he always has bags of fresh rose petals because people like to sprinkle them in their bath. Sweet bathing right? I'm seeing an American Beauty Image with a slow motion photography MOCO vibe.
Slow Motion Photography, Will you Marry Me?
Updated: Jul 3, 2023